Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Time, Money And Focus Well Wasted!

during my speech at a campaign fundraiser, i talked a little about the life we lived in the country we came from and laid out the main driving forces behind our decision to move to Canada. As I spoke about it, i also mentioned that just a few days before the event I learned that the chain of private high schools that i went to were shut down, and some of my friends and the people that I started to make friends with are in jail for trumped up charges. So the youth of my age ended up in jail for 6-8 years. i never mentioned the name of the country during the speech. so after my speech a lot of people asked me where i came from, and if they were to guess that would have been afghanistan. 

today, i learned that one of my 'cottage friends', who i met and made friends with during our summer family vacations at our cottage, was denied to leave the country for no reason whatsoever. well, i mean, we all know the reason - he is very outspoken against the government and is very active with NGOs and the civil society. however, there has been no order or police report or anything of that kind against this particular individual.

but this is not all. parents of a girl i studies at university with are being arrested for 'treason'. Her mother got three months of pre-trial detention, and her father is facing similar charges. Both were kidnapped in old style 'KGB-fashion', one in front of their apartment building, other from the apartment. only a few hours later it was declared that they are facing trial and detention period. They too, have been outspoken and very active civil society members.

it is so sad to see that a country with such great potential, great, smart and entrepreneurial people, bestowed with natural resources, namely oil and gas, wasting so much money, energy and focus on closing up schools and arresting its youth and other active civil society members. just let the people be, man!